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Water Lilies Information

Water Lilies

These "drop and grow" hardy water lilies couldn't make growing plants in your pond any easier! The beautiful, vibrant colors of the blooms and easy-to-follow instructions make these a must have in any pond or water feature. These water lilies are hardy to 30 below zero and will survive winters in any pond as long as the water does not freeze to pot level. These bulbs are also "fish-friendly" and can be used in ponds where koi and other aquatic life are present.

Plant Information

  • Planting Time: Spring
  • Bloom Time: Summer to Frost
  • Hardiness Zone: 4-8
  • Suitable Zone: 3-10
  • Light Needs: Partial - Full Sun

Planting Water Lilies

  1. Water lilies are typically placed in water during the spring season after the threat of frost has passed.
  2. Place bulb in pot provided along with one fertilizer tablet.
  3. Drop pot into desired area of pond. If you desire to leave the pot/bulb in place year-round, be sure that the water is at least 30" deep so that it will not be negatively affected by frost.
  4. Keep in mind that the water lily bulbs require that the water be consistently at a temperature above 65 degrees in order to sprout. Patience may be required during the first growing season before growth is visible.
  5. If water is shallow enough that it will freeze to the pot level, remove pot in the fall after the first frost.
  6. Keep in a cool, dry place for the winter and replant in spring according to above instructions.