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Cafe Au Lait Ranunculus

Spring Pre-Order
Was: $24.50
Spring Pre-Order
You Save: $12.25 (50.0%)
25 bulbs per package
5.00 stars, based on 3 review(s)
Ships: Spring [?]

    Shades of orange, yellow, red, bronze, and copper adorn the Cafe au Lait Buttercups in early summer. Ranunculus make lovely cut flowers, and grow well in containers. 

    *These bulbs will need at least 4-6 weeks of cool (evening 40-50° & daytime 60-75°) weather to sprout. If too warm, they will stay dormant. Can take 6-8 weeks to sprout. Zones 4-7 plant in spring/ Zones 8-11 plant in fall.

    Haven't planted Ranunculus before? Click here for a complete guide!

    How to Grow Ranunculus Bulbs in Spring

    Gardeners in hardiness zones 4-7 will have the best success with planting ranunculus bulbs in spring. Plan to plant ranunculus after the danger of frost has past, but before temperatures are above 70 degrees on a consistent daily basis. Ranuculus can be started indoors in a cool setting prior to moving outdoors when temperatures are favorable for the conditions they need.

    Grow ranunculus in a full to part sun location in soil that drains well. Plant the bulbs 2" below the soil surface and water after planting. Prior to sprouting the bulbs do not require additional water. The bulbs may take 6-8 weeks to sprout and will remain dormant if planted when the temperatures are too warm. If planted in proper growing conditions expect the ranunculus to bloom in late summer.

    Overall Customer Rating of 3 Reviews:
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    Ready for the Blooms

    review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
    I ordered these and they arrived on time and in good condition. They were easy to plant and I have lots of foliage! Can’t wait to see the flowers!!

    Atlanta Ga


    review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
    • Easy
    This is the first time growing them. I purchased some red Ranunculus from Lowes. Now waiting


    Don't let their initial appearance fool you

    review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
    I decided to try ranunculus last year. I ordered and planted them later than recommended, but I had seen so many pots at the garden centers and decided I wanted some of my own. When I saw this color combination, I was sold! All the bulbs arrived and looked shriveled. I was worried that maybe because I waited too long and got clearance ones they were no good. I followed the instructions to soak them in water and they plumped up in no time. They were all healthy and sprouted. Only a few flowered last year but it was enough to make me order a second batch this year. I successfully over wintered my first order and got them planted at a more suitable time this spring. I am waiting on this year's order to have even a larger patch!