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  • Blue Grape Hyacinth or Muscari Jumbo Pack - 83102
  • Blue Grape Hyacinth or Muscari Jumbo Pack - 83102
  • Blue Grape Hyacinth or Muscari Jumbo Pack - 83102
  • Blue Grape Hyacinth or Muscari Jumbo Pack - 83102
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Blue Grape Hyacinth or Muscari Jumbo Pack

Muscari armeniacum

Out of Stock
Was: $32.95
Out of Stock
You Save: $26.36 (80.0%)
100 bulbs per package
4.85 stars, based on 26 review(s)
Ships: 1-2 Business Days
    Love the fragrance of hyacinth but looking for something a little more subtle? Try these! The Muscari armeniacum or Grape Hyacinth is a vibrant purple flower, resembling small tightly-packed grape clusters. Blooming in mid-spring, the Grape Hyacinth works great for borders and won't be eaten by four-legged visitors!
    • Try this Jumbo Pack and discover how great these flowers look in mass plantings!
    Overall Customer Rating of 26 Reviews:
    review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star

    Arrived late; bloomed if planted

    review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
    Blue Grape Hyacinth or Muscari Jumbo Pack, 2023

    I live in planting zone 5a; Holland Bulbs has my address as 6b. Therefore, all my fall bulbs were shipped in late October 2023, delayed due to a snowstorm, and arrived in November 2023 after 5-7 frosts and when the ground was frozen.

    During days the ground thawed enough to dig, all the Muscari I was able to plant in 2023 grew in the spring. The remaining half were stored in a refrigerator crisper drawer and were planted in October 2024; I will update my rating if they prove to be viable.

    Oakland, CA


    review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
    These were great. I planted them in late January or early February in northern California and I think they all came up and had a flower. I'm not sure if I got 100 bulbs per pack, some were so teeny tiny they seemed like offshoots that broke off in the bag, like the size of a corn kernel. The flowers last a while on the plant and they're so cute.

    Very pretty!!

    review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
    I planted 3 types of flowers and these were the only ones that came up! 2 flowers per bulb. I’m glad these did well because I would’ve been disappointed.



    review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
    I didn't get these planted until February, but they are so cute! The blue really pops. I planted in pots and raised garden beds.


    a great surprise

    review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
    bulbs came promptly and in good condition
    always a welcome surprise in mid spring to see such vibrant color