Fall planted bulbs like tulips, hyacinths, fritillaria and some daffodils require a period of cold to produce a flower bud. Gardeners who live in areas that don't have these cold temperatures occurring naturally can refrigerate the bulbs prior to planting, in order to force the bulbs to bloom. Instructions for planting tulips in warm areas, like growing tulips in Florida, California, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia and Alabama.
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Forcing Instructions for Warm Climates Planting Outside

Hardiness zones 8 and above will need to refrigerate tulips, hyacinths, fritillaria and some daffodils prior to planting, find your zone here

  • Order your bulbs as early as April for delivery in fall. The bulbs can be refrigerated as soon as you receive them in fall. Contact us for early shipping in mid-September.
  • Start chilling your bulbs as soon as mid-September and as late as early November for best results. If you aren’t able to start chilling the bulbs by early November, don’t give up hope. If you can get the bulbs refrigerated by early December you will still have some time to give them some chilling prior to planting.
  • Store your fall planted bulbs in a refrigerator for at least 12-16 weeks prior to planting to ensure they get the proper cold period necessary.If your refrigerator also has fruits and vegetables that emit ethylene gases* you will want to remove these fruits and vegetables from the refrigerator during this time as it can cause the bulbs to rot. If you have a spare refrigerator that you do not store fruits and vegetables in that would be the best place to store your bulbs for forcing. Do not place your bulbs in the freezer, this will result in mushy bulbs once they thaw.
  • When storing your bulbs in the refrigerator it is best to keep them dark, and in a well ventilated bag. A brown paper bag works well for this.
  • Plant your bulbs that now have been chilled in your refrigerator no later than the end of January. Early to mid-January is a more ideal time as the latest you should plant your fall bulbs. Planting in early January means the bulbs will have longer to establish roots prior to sprouting, which will result in better blooms.
  • You may water the planting area immediately after planting. The bulbs will not require additional water after the planting time, as they prefer to be kept dry when dormant. If you are planting in a location that has an irrigation system be cautious of watering this area, as this could lead to rotting.

*Fruits and vegetables that emit ethylene gases






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