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Devils Playground Bearded Iris

Devils Playground Bearded Iris (85179)

5.00 stars, based on 2 reviews
Devil's Playground Bearded Iris is full of bold, high energy blooms! Deep maroon standards are highlighted by falls of an array of colors! The falls have creamy yellow centers, that bleed into the maroon borders offering an ever changing array of...
Reviews 1-2 of 2


review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
  • Price
  • Some don’t bloom
Very pretty

New Jersey

Late Planted --Fingers crossed

review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
  • Nice quality Rhizomes and great price
I planted these at the very end of November is 2 locations. The Rhizomes arrived in excellent condition but were a bit dry, so I soaked them for several hours in water with a bit of fertilizer added. At the fall disocunt prices, if these take it will be a real bargain. Bearded irises seem to be darn near indestructible, so I am hopeful that the results will be good. I also ordered a few more and will put them in individual 8" pots in the gargage until March. Expect an update then

Reviews 1-2 of 2